Small Businesses

Our regular clients are mostly small business owners and we help them develop and nurture their small businesses. The types of businesses we provide assistance to include franchisees, tech startups, retailers, home-based or online businesses, consultancies, professional organizations, etc.

We are supported by a team of financial planners, trademark attorneys and accountancy firms. Irrespective of the type of business, our brilliant team of business lawyers in Perth provide guidance with legal documentation under all market circumstances.

Multiple kinds of small businesses that we have helped and advised have developed noticeably over the number of years in terms of number of employees and even diversification into various other businesses. If you have a small business and are looking for help with legal matters, contact our team of capable Business Settlement Lawyers in Perth for the best possible solution in any case.

While venturing into unknown areas like a fresh business or even getting into an existing business with other partners, it is always wise to seek advice on accounting, financial planning and legal matters. A legal counselor can advise you with the best way to approach a business whether it is a company, unit trust, family trust or a partnership.

Please schedule an appointment with us in advance and we will be happy to answer all your questions. We will analyse your business in greater detail before guiding you about how to proceed with the same. You can count on us to provide sensible legal counsel and support you throughout your entrepreneurial journey. For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our established team of Business Settlement Lawyers in Perth. 

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